Your Voice, Amplified.

PodTechs Operating System for MarCom and Content Teams makes it easy to manage podcast episodes in one app for faster delivery. Are you frustrated with endless technical and tedious tasks, or staff spread across various time zones? Our app aligns every element of production from planning to recording to promoting.

PodTechs is proud to be the production team for Baycrest and Defy Dementia which is a 2024 Webby Award Nominee in the Health, Wellness, and Lifestyle podcast category.

Congratulations to our fellow nominees at Boston Globe Media and Johnson & Johnson.

Some of the most creative and technical work our PodTechs produce is with our internationalization add-ons. We give marketing teams and podcast hosts new access to reach audiences in many languages. Your voice is recorded once and then we repurpose the content using human like AI-Generated voices in Spanish, French, Arabic, and dozens of other languages. We produced the below episode in English and AI-French.

Podcasts for YouTube, Apple, Spotify…

Faster production and better promotion.


Production Process

1. Planning

2. Scripting

3. Rehearsing

4. Recording

5. Editing

6. Disseminating

7. Promoting

PodTechs ⋆ Production Process ⋆ 1. Planning ⋆ 2. Scripting ⋆ 3. Rehearsing ⋆ 4. Recording ⋆ 5. Editing ⋆ 6. Disseminating ⋆ 7. Promoting ⋆

Watch how easy it is to manage a podcast

Includes tips and tricks to speed up your production

Featured Podcast

Featured Podcast ⋆

Ready to break down language barriers?

Learn more about our internationalization services and expand your voice into Spanish, French, and more.

iDMV Community Podcast Station

We’re open. The National Capital Region is louder than ever before.

iMIA Community Podcast Station

It’s true. We’ve introduced a new recording room to Magic City.